

I will use this space to share some tools related to ITIL framework (ITIL software, templates, flash cards to prepare ITIL exams, mind maps, etc).

Feel free to provide feedback in the comment section, so i can improve the quality of the posts





FlashCards Tools

I'm a big fan of flash card tools and i've been using them for a couple of years. It doesn't matter if i'm studying a new subject, language or  preparing an IT certification, this tools are great for any type of learning

By reviewing the flashcards over and over again, the information becomes ingrained in your memory so you won’t forget it. This tools offers too, several types of games and activities that makes the learning process more fun and dynamic.

Personally i've used 3 of this tools and this is a quick review for each one of them.



This was one of the first tools that i used a couple of years ago, it provides an executable that can be installed in several platforms and also available in mobile devices (android and ios). You can keep syncronized the data and cards across the devices. This tool is freeware.



It provides not only the flash card utility but also you can manage your cards according to similar concepts (categories) and also create classes where you can manage several flash cards. You can share also your work with other users and also search cards ,focused in the subjects that you will like to study. The web interface is really good and provides also a mobile version (android and ios) , so you can keep your data synchronized as well. The basic version is free , but you can upgrade to a pro version getting access to study guides and more advanced features. The best plan is the annual subscription of 7 us monthly (84 us yearly)



This is the tool that i'm currently using. It provides similar features compared with StudyBlue, the only difference is that with the free version, you can add only text to your cards. To add another type of media (audio and images), you need to upgrade to pro version. The pro version upgrade cost me only 20 us yearly, so it was a good offer compared with the 84us from StudyBlue.
It's also available in mobile platform.

I'm currently working in some flash cards that i will like to share with you about project management (CAPM/PMP), IT certifications and also Oracle VM. I will share this material soon, in other posts.

Here you can see a nice video, with a brief explanation about flashcard usage in general

Thanks for visiting !!




MOOC Aprendiendo a Aprender (Learning how to learn)

Llegue a este MOOC por casualidad https://www.coursera.org/learn/aprendiendo-a-aprender/home/welcome y realmente siento que fue una gran coincidencia.

Este curso te enseña todos los fundamentos fisicos del cerebro (redes neuronales, partes del cerebro, etc), asi como técnicas que están involucradas en el aprendizaje.

Tambien nos muestra técnicas para superar la procastinación y mejorar nuestra atención

Les recomiendo tomar el curso a ojos cerrados

Les dejo un mapa mental con gran parte del contenido que pueden aprovechar


Have fun



Sysadmin Tools


Here's a useful list of sysadmin resources , covering several interesting topics:

  • Backups
  • Build Automation
  • ChatOps
  • Cloning
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Storage
  • Code Review
  • Collaborative Software
  • Configuration Management Database
  • Configuration Management
  • Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment
  • Control Panels
  • Deployment Automation
  • Distributed Filesystems
  • DNS
  • Editors
  • IT Asset Management
  • LDAP
  • Log Management
  • Mail Servers
  • Messaging
  • Monitoring
  • Metric & Metric Collection
  • Network Configuration Management
  • Newsletter
  • NoSQL
  • Packaging
  • Queuing
  • Security
  • Service Discovery
  • Software Containers
  • SSH
  • Statistics
  • Status Pages
  • Ticketing systems
  • Troubleshooting
  • Project Management
  • Version control
  • Virtualization
  • VPN
  • Web
  • Webmails
  • Wikis
  • Resources
  • Blogs
  • Books
  • Newsletters
  • Repositories
  • Websites
Enjoy !!




Francis Mallmann: The super chef on the art of steak

This Chef is one of my favorites, this Argentinian is not the typical well known sophisticated type of chef , but instead, is an old poet, hipster and lover of simple food, type of person.

I started to follow his career in the Gourmet food channel (www.elgourmet.com), where he has a TV show , that takes in place in the Argentinian Patagonia. Each chapter is a mix of beautiful portraits, poetry and simple cooking where the charcoal and the strong fire are the main characters of this tasty play.

The last year netflix,  presented a chapter dedicated to his career in the amazing serie, Chef's table

You can find also here some chapters of his show (they are in spanish, sorry ...)


He's a writer also of several cooking and barbecue books


Enjoy :)


ITIL, Togaf and COBIT Comparison

I've found a couple of good links that can be helpful to understand this tools/frameworks and how they work together in the IT Governance world. Enjoy :)

COBIT vs. ITIL vs. TOGAF: Which Is Better For Cybersecurity And Digital Resilience?


Analyse in Relation between ITIL,COBIT,CMMI and TOGAF



IFTTT Recipes

I've played a bit with IFTTT and i've found that is a really productive application.

The application can connect several web services (youtube, gmail, google drive, facebook, twitter, etc) and generate certain rules between the services. This rules trigger a specific action (like save all the pictures that you have been tagged in facebook, to a dropbox account; if tomorrow will rain, receive an email or sms message , among other things).

The same tool offers a list of preconfigured rules and of course you can build your own.

This applications is available on web, ios and android

For example here's a list of useful rules that you can play with





(Mind Maps) - WikiMind Project

I'm a big fan of my mind maps and I've been using them for long time.

I've used several tools, some desktop and web. The latest tool that i'm using and that i'm very satisfied with it, is mindmup.

This tool provides a clean web interface , with several nice features:

- Dropbox, github and google drive plugins (mind maps can be stored in this web services)
- Create and share public mind maps
- Collaborative work among other things

They have developed and internal project called WikiMind, that explores Wikidata links , showing the resources as a mind map output.

This is an interesting project to take a look and play.





Films & Books

Since I was a kid, I was always interested in movies. With the beginning of internet was a great privilege to find new type of material, that was difficult to find in movie theaters or a blockbuster store. I was born in a small city with an old theater and a couple of video stores and finally, I was always renting and seeing the same type of outdated films

Independent films and short films were my favorites, once I was able to get access to the Internet to surf the web, searching for new stuff.

This blog will be a place where I can share my opinion about films and also books.

Here my film list in Letterboxd

Please enjoy this trip with me and stay tuned





Mi amigo Matzuzaki

Tuve la suerte de tener como coléga de trabajo a Pablo, un verdadero personaje. El no sólo era un profesional del área de las tecnologías de la información, sino que también un excelente escritor.

Durante mucho tiempo almorzábamos juntos a esa de las 3 de la tarde y conversabamos de muchos temas. Solía también contar varias anécdotas, pero sobre todo el siguiente relato que aunque lo haya escuchado decenas de veces, me sigue encantando.

MI AMIGO MATZUZAKI. (Por Pablo Vasquez Donaire)

Esta historia es la más controvertida que he contado. Todos, incluso mi familia, han festinado con esto, se han burlado, me han llamado farsante… En fin… acá va el resumen.

En el año 1980 se disputó, en el Court Central del Estadio Nacional, un partido de tenis de mesa. El encuentro fue de naturaleza amistosa. Se enfrentaron: Jong Chén, campeón de la Federación China de Ping-pong, y Minoru Matzuzaki, bicampeón de la Federación Japonesa.

El evento no fue transmitido por la televisión. Los diarios lo ignoraron completamente. El público que asistió, lo olvidó. No hay registros oficiales de este evento.
Yo tenía 4 años y mis padres me llevaron al partido. ¿Por qué? No tengo idea.

En pleno partido, despertó mi atención la pelotita blanca que iba de allá para acá a toda velocidad.
Como era niño y mañoso, empecé a gritar que “quería la pelotita”, interrumpiendo el silencio sepulcral del match.

Como mi berrinche no permitía seguir jugando a los campeones, ocurrió algo que nunca olvidaré: Matzuzaki, enternecido, trepó hasta la galería y me entregó ceremoniosamente la anhelada pelota de ping-pong.

Pasaron los años y la pelota se conservó como una especie de reliquia familiar.
Luego pasaron muchos años más. Yo ya era un adulto, tenía hijos, esposa, trabajo, casa, deudas y responsabilidades. Un día, mi esposa dijo sentirse antojada con unos arrollados de primavera. Y yo, que siempre he atendido a mi esposa como a una reina, tomé la bicicleta de mi hija y salí en busca de uno de esos restorancitos chinos de barrio.

Tuve suerte. A pocas cuadras de mi casa encontré uno. Entré y vi a un viejo hombre oriental. Su cara me resultó familiar. Le pedí cuatro porciones de arrollado y dos de wantán.
Con ese castellano orientalizado, caricaturesco, muy similar al que en las películas ponen a los samurái, el dueño del local me invitó a tomar asiento mientras él preparaba mi pedido.

Así lo hice. Me puse a observar la ornamentación. De repente, entre una sobrecargada ensalada de dragones, conos de la abundancia, caligrafías milenarias, estatuillas de Confucio, grabados e imitaciones de porcelanas, noté un elemento que desentonaba toda la ambientación: una vieja y desteñida paleta de ping-pong.

Volvió el encargado. No aguanté la tentación de preguntar por qué esa paleta estaba ahí.
Me dijo: “es un lecueldo… Yo… campeón mundial pinpón… paltido en Chile… Yo Matzuzaki…”
Quedé helado. El joven campeón que me había regalado la pelotita, estaba nuevamente frente a mí, aunque más viejo, gordo y calvo.

Inmediatamente le mencioné lo del niño que durante ese partido gritaba por la pelotita. Entonces, el viejo Matzuzaki me miró. Sus pequeños ojos rasgados se cristalizaron. Una sonrisa de felicidad se dibujó en su rostro y gritó:
¡Niño-pelota!, ¡Niño-pelota!, ¡Niño-pelota…!

Nos dimos un abrazo. Me contó algunas cosas de su vida y de cómo los caminos del destino lo habían traído de vuelta a nuestro país. Obviamente no escribiré, al menos por esta vez, todo lo que me dijo.
Llegué mi casa y me puse a buscar afanosamente la pelota de ping-pong. Por surte la encontré. Le conté a mi esposa. No sólo no me creyó sino que además le dio un ataque de risa.

La desafié a visitar a mi amigo al siguiente día.
Fuimos y ahora viene la parte triste de esta historia. El modesto restorán chino había cerrado para siempre sus puertas. Fui a la casa contigua y una mujer despeinada dijo que el viejo chino se había ido durante la madrugada.

Lo peor, lo más terrible, es que en mi bolsillo llevaba la pelota de ping-pong... Quería mostrársela a Matzuzaki, tal como un niño pequeño muestra ansiosamente una buena nota a su mamá...

Me sentí tan triste, que mi esposa dejó un rato de reírse de mí y de mi historia; incluso, por unos minutos, dijo que me creía.

No hay fotos de mi amigo Matzuzaki en Internet. Nadie parce conocerlo. Su nombre es como una sombra que vive sólo en mi cabeza.

Hay un detalle no menor: Matzuzaki es tío en segundo grado de Shigeru Matzuzaki, que representó a Japón en la competencia internacional del Festival de Viña de 1985.

He contado esto varias veces en diferentes contextos, siempre con la esperanza de encontrar a alguien que me crea. Hasta hoy… No he tenido éxito.



I'm not Anthony Bourdain or Ferran Adriá, but i like to spend sometime in the kitchen and experiment with new ingredients.

Most of the time i prepare some dishes, when i invite friends to my place and also i love to prepare some cocktails.

I will try to share with you some recipes/videos about interesting recipes and also will try to talk about some apps that are useful in the field of bartending , and  generally food lovers.




Virtual Appliances

I've played with a couple of virtual machine appliances and i use them often, because i found that is a good way to test and take a first look of a tool, technology or programming language

There're several webpages that offers a good collection of this VM'S .I will mention a couple of VM'S that i found useful.



They offer a good amount of vm's including several developer stacks (python, java, php, ruby). I found interesting this ones

Ruby Stack
- Lamp Stack
- Django Stack
- Node,js Stack



The same way Bitnami does, provides a list of vm appliances ,used for several purposes:

- Jenkins VM
- Ansible VM

Another helpful site is SuseStudio, this site from the linux distribution, provides a lot of appliances that can be used too






I've developed my career between the NOC (Network operation Center) of my University and Oracle working as a Technical Analyst and currently working in Huawei as A&S Engineer.

During all this years i've been playing and worked with several Operating Systems and tools and this is an overview of what i'm using right now.

At my Home

Currently i'm using OpenSuse OS , having a dualboot config with Windows 10, in the past i worked a lot with Ubuntu as desktop distro.

At my Work

In the past Most of the time working with Solaris as primary OS and also doing some testing with Oracle Linux and Oracle VM, now working with Windows 10 and Suse Enterprise

I will post in my blog about this Operating Systems and tools and i will continue exploring others too :)


" A Bear History : Animated Short Film based in Chilean Dictatorship "

As chilean, i feel very proud of this achievement. A Bear History won in the last Oscar academy award ceremony , the category of Best Animated Short Film.

This short film tell us the history of an old bear that is forced to be separated of his family and show us how this character deals with the loneliness and hope to see his son and wife again.

With a classic and step motion animation, this film give us a lection in many aspects and paves the way for the chilean animation  industry.

You can find also the link for a webpage, dedicated to this short film here.


Ab0Ut mE

My name is Rodolfo Mondion and i'm IT enthusiast, working in the technology field for several years.

I decided to create this space to share not only , tips, documentation and IT material, but also create a place where i can talk about my hobbies and personal interests.

Please be welcome and enjoy with me this journey

