
FlashCards and StudySmarter tool

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I was checking some old entries about flashcards (link) and I realized that my first entry was 6 years ago 😱😱.

Since then i've been using Quizlet  , mostly studying concepts and sometimes studying or creating some material. It was time to renew subscription , so I decided to take a look in the market for different tools and i found StudySmarter .


I must say that was a pretty good discover because i found a very complete tool and with some features that were not present in the previous tools I have used.

Other tools were focused in merely the flashcard creation (Question/Answer), and their administration , but this tool was adding some nice items like documents, links, etc


Interesting feature thinking if you want to centralize the learning in one place, you can create the study subject and upload all related material to it (PDF, doc files, ppt, cheatsheets, etc)


This section reminds me to a Notion note, that type of look and feel that many people love.

We can create an empty note and also use some predefined templates, I think that'st a cool feature if you want to add to your study plan, pictures, web links or another additional info to consider.


Well , nothing new here that other flashcard tools can do .


I think the biggest win for this platform is that is not just a flaschcard tool , but i think more like a study buddy. If we rely in technology to study different fields and we use several techniques (structured notes, mindmaps, etc), is a good thing to centralize the knowledge in one place, instead of have a bunch of tools open.

I definitely will continue using tools like Mindmeister and Notion but will add for sure StudySmarter to my study toolkit.

Thanks for reading!!



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